Why is my Ford Taurus shaking?

Why is my Ford Taurus shaking?

I don’t know about you but for me, when my car starts shaking it can be quite frightening. I mean you don’t know if it is your brakes, your tires, your suspension, or anything else. So I wanted to look further into this and to see why is my Ford Taurus shaking. Here is what I found to be the best answer.

It all depends on what you are doing at that time. If you are sitting still and the car is shaking it could be a misfire or your engine mounts need to be replaced. In the case that you are driving and it starts to shake, it could be your tires, brakes, or suspension. Let’s look further into this and see how we can prevent this from happening.

Have you ever looked into the advantages of spending more on your brake pads? Don’t worry, I have and what I found is here in my article.

What would cause my Ford Taurus to shake?

 As I already stated, it all depends on what you are doing at that time. If you are sitting still and the car is shaking, there is a good chance that your engine light is on. You need to find an OBD2 scanner and plug it into your vehicle to see what that engine light is on.

 There is a good chance that it is not the engine mounts if your vehicle is

over ten years old there is a good chance that your engine mounts are now due and will need to be replaced as well. The scanner will be able to tell you if you have a misfire and if so which cylinder is it in.

From the prices that I saw online for engine mounts the best bet to get one at a great price would be through Amazon due to the multiple sellers; it is easier to get the best price. In the case that you are driving down the road and your vehicle starts to shake the culprit is something else entirely.

Winter is coming, and we need to be ready for it, make sure your vehicle is prepared by checking out my article 6 Simple Ways to Stay Safe on Snow Covered Roads. You will be glad you did!

In this case, it can be your tires, suspension, or your brakes. It all depends on what you are doing at that time. If you were using your brakes at the time the vehicle started shaking on you, then it would be that problem then.

If your brakes are heated up and you have been driving awhile, that can cause your vehicle to shake because your brakes have not had the proper amount of time to cool down and causes the metal brakes to not smooth as easy for the breaking application. 

An easy way to see if it is the tires is to run your hand across the tire. You are feeling for any flat spots on the tire. Flat spots can be caused by a vehicle sitting in the same place for too long. 

The suspension is easy to check, as well. You are looking for anything out of the ordinary or out of place. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know vehicles that well. You do know what an out of place looks like so that is what you are looking for.

You will be surprised by this one here’s my article on 12 Crucial Maintenance Things to Check on your vehicle.

When would my Ford Taurus shake?

Your Ford Taurus can shake anywhere depending on the problem and what action inflames the problem even more. What you do need to remember is as soon as the shaking starts, you need to slow down your speed, 

and if it continues, you need to pull over. This is for your safety and other drivers around you because when the vehicle starts shaking, you do not have 100% control of your car anymore. Driving your vehicle while the shaking is occurring can cause extensive wear and tear to your vehicle, causing it to break down.

Where would my Ford Taurus shake?

 Most of the time if the problem is a misfire or the engine mounts need to be replaced, your vehicle is going to be shaking a while it is idling. If you open your hood you will be able to see the engine rocking back-and-forth with a little bit more gives then it should have.

Now, of course, if the shaking is due to the suspension, tires, or breaks, then your vehicle is going to be shaking while you drive it.

Is shaking bad for my Ford Taurus?

 Yes, it most definitely is terrible for your Ford Taurus. The shaking is something that the manufacturer did not account for when they were considering the timeline for the car’s lifespan. The shaking is something that needs to be repaired immediately and can wear your engine mounts out faster if they are not already bad and needing to be replaced. 

 I know that your vehicle shaking can be very frightening, especially when you are driving. This happened to my family and me while we were on a family vacation, and I applied the brakes going down a steep hill. The vehicle started to shake so I had to let off the brakes and slowly applied them again so we could slow down before the bottom. 

Immediately after coming back from that road trip, I had to look into why this was happening. Your vehicle is not only your way to work but also your transportation around your country. So make sure if this ever happens to you that you need to repair the problem as soon as possible.

How do I prevent my Ford Taurus from shaking in the future?

 The easiest way that you can prevent this from happening with your vehicle would be to keep up-to-date with your maintenance interval schedule. The easiest way to spot a problem is the catch it before it becomes a problem.

So with your maintenance interval schedule you want to be able to check your tires, the thread on the tires com I the air pressure, and making sure

that it is evenly worn will make sure that your tires never become a problem for you. Do you need new tires? Check out our article on picking the right tires for your Ford Taurus.

While you are checking your tires, you should be able to look in to wear your brake pads are and make sure that those are OK as well. Again if you are not comfortable with repairing your vehicle, every time that you take your car in for an oil change, they will inspect your vehicle.

That is also a great way to keep track of the maintenance required for your vehicle. The great thing about suspension is that it makes your ride more comfortable, but also it is not moving a substantial distance. So when it comes to checking mured suspension, you are making sure that there are no parts that are out of place or broken.

 With the engine, your motor mounts will need to be replaced at 100000 miles. You can always look into your owner’s manual, and they will have the maintenance interval schedule printed there in the back of the book. Do you need new motor mounts? Here are the ones I got from Amazon for this repair, it was reasonably priced, and I used my prime account, for next day delivery. Also here is a link to a free owner manual for your Ford Taurus.

Keep to that maintenance interval schedule, and it will let you know when is a good time to change your oil, change your engine mounts, and many more details are printed in the owner’s manual. Remember it is always a great idea to keep track of the maintenance for your vehicle so you can catch those problems before they become big problems.

Thanks for reading my article. I hope it helped you! Hope to see you in the next piece!!
