Why is my 2004 Cadillac Deville overheating?
No one ever looks forward to their vehicle overheating, but it does happen. I had a 2004 Cadillac Deville that I purchased with the intention to flip and make a little bit of money off of it. Which the project started smoothly and then took a turn for the worst when it started to overheat. The question of why is my 2004 Cadillac Deville overheating went through my head numerous times.
But the reason why your Cadillac Deville is overheating is for this reason. Your vehicle will overheat when the cooling system is prevented from cycling the coolant throughout the entire engine to decrease the temperature of the engine.this can happen because of a leak in the system, low coolant, or an inoperable part in the cooling system. Let’s dive deeper into this problem and see what we can find.
What would cause my 2004 Cadillac Deville to overheat?
Your Cadillac Deville will overheat if it has a leak in the cooling system. Like a coolant line is dry-rotted and cracked, which is not unusual in an older vehicle. Low coolant could also be your culprit, so make sure you use the proper water to coolant ratio of 50/50 when adding more coolant to your system.
Then lastly you could have a faulty part in the cooling system. In the 2004 Cadillac Deville, there is one part of the engine that is known for this vehicles overheating problems. That part is the water pump housing crossover, yes it is a very long name. This part has multiple seals that many people do not know about.
Also when you remove this part you will need the water pump tool if you intend on removing the water pump. Here is the water pump tool on Amazon that I purchased and used for my Cadillac Deville. Also here is the seal kit you will need as well. The water pump housing alone online costs over $100. So I went to Pick n Pull and purchased it for $30. Remember to replace all of your seals and the rubber seal on the intake manifold as well. It is easier to replace this seal with the water pump housing crossover removed.
This was the problem I was having with my Deville, but there are many problems that can cause overheating. A great way to tell if the problem is your water pump housing crossover is when you add coolant to your system does it leak out at the location of the water pump housing crossover. If it does leak in that location then one of the seals is needing to be replaced.
How can I fix my 2004 Cadillac Deville so it will not overheat?
Finding the culprit of your overheating issue seems more difficult than it really is. Make sure your vehicle is cool at the time of testing so you do not hurt yourself with hot coolant and engine. Start with checking your coolant with a hydrometer, this tool will let you know if the coolant needs to be flushed. Over time your coolant does need to be refreshed with a fresh batch of coolant.
If the coolant is good then it is time to check the pressure of your cooling system. This is done with a coolant pressure test kit that you can find online on Amazon if you do not have one yet. This kit you will need to pick the attachment that matches your radiator. Remove the radiator cap and twist your test kit attachment in its place. On your radiator cap, you will see a number, this number is the pressure your system is set for. Usually, it is a very small number like two or four psi.
Pump the pressure test kit until the gauge reads this number. You will want your system to hold that pressure for at least two minutes. If the system does not hold that pressure then you have a leak in your system. Find the leak by following your coolant lines and replace the part that is causing the leak.
With the age of the vehicle, all the hoses and seals will be in rough shape if they have not been replaced prior. A great option I have seen on numerous vehicles I have owned is instead of using rubber lines and hoses, use silicone pieces instead. Silicone does not wear down like rubber does due to heat and cold temperatures, so this will give you years of maintenance freedom.
Is it bad for my 2004 Cadillac Deville when it overheats?
Yes, it is very bad for your vehicle to overheat. This is why you need to keep track of where your engine temperature gauge is while operating your vehicle. There are different severity levels to your vehicle overheating. A great example would be a seized thermostat to a broken water pump.
A thermostat is quite easy to change on the Deville but even the smallest of parts can bring your luxury car to a halt. If your vehicle overheats severely it can dislodge the freeze plugs and even crack the block! To prevent this you need to keep track of your temperature gauge and keep your vehicle on a set maintenance interval.
How can I prevent my 2004 Cadillac Deville from overheating in the future?
A set scheduled maintenance interval can prevent these catastrophic failures from happening. Knowing how your vehicle operates will give you a better understanding of the vehicle. Also, this will give you an easier time to diagnose the problem when one does come up.
To get your Deville on the right track to prevent overheating make sure you check your coolant with the hydrometer. Also, check for any leaks from any hoses and cooling system components. All of these should be checked every time you change your oil.
How do I know which part is failing?
Knowing which part has failed will make your diagnosis time minimal. Understanding the cooling system parts will also give you peace of mind when the vehicle has a problem come up as well. I know when I have a problem with my vehicle that I do not stress over it because of the age of the vehicle, something is destined to go wrong. So here is a quick diagnosis guide for your cooling system.
A radiator is like any component on your vehicle, it needs some love from time to time. Checking your radiator fins to make sure they are not damaged or flattened will keep the airflow through your radiator at a high rate. Make sure you check the welds on the radiator as well to make sure there are no cracks on the welds.
All radiators corrode over time ALL of them do! Many people think that their new plastic radiator will not corrode and they are correct the plastic parts will not but the metals parts that still exist on the radiator will so make sure you do not mix different color coolant’s in your system. Mixing the colors of coolant will cause the coolant to sludge up and clog your radiator.
Water pump
Your water pump has a crucial job when it comes to your cooling system. The entire cooling system would sit stagnant if it wasn’t for your water pump. The water pump provides circulation to your cooling system. So if the water pump breaks then all the coolant will sit in your engine until it starts to boil and overheat.
A great way to tell if this part is failing is if you can wiggle the water pump pulley and it makes a whining noise when the engine is running. Coolant will also leak out of the weep hole on the water pump at a substantial rate so be on the lookout for that.
The thermostat even though it is small it has a vital job to perform for your engine. The thermostat is your cooling systems gatekeeper. Once your vehicle’s engine temperature has reached on average 180-190 degrees Fahrenheit. The thermostat will open, releasing coolant into your engine and starting the flow cycle that is run by the water pump.
If your vehicle starts to overheat within the first ten to fifteen minutes the vehicle is running then your thermostat could have failed. This part is very inexpensive but it can cause thousands of dollars in damage if not observed. So make sure you watch your temperature gauge to prevent any damage.
Hoses have to be one of the easiest components of your cooling system to diagnose. You have two choices when seeing if the hoses are the culprit to your overheating issue and that is are they leaking or not.
Coolant level sensor
The coolant temperature sensor is located on the bottom of your coolant reservoir. The easiest way to diagnose this is if your driver gauge cluster says add coolant and you are full in the reservoir. Remember some of these things the vehicle will diagnose itself so let it. Cadillac spent a great amount of money on the vehicle’s technology so let it do the hard work of diagnosing when it can.
Water pump housing crossover
The water pump housing crossover will give you a clear sign that it is the culprit by leaking all of your coolant onto the ground. When you look into the engine to find the leak you will see it coming from between the housing and the block of the engine. There is also the possibility of it leaking from the water pump seal as well. These are all indications that your water pump housing crossover needs removed, revealed, and reinstalled.
Radiator cap
The radiator cap plays a key role in your cooling system by making the system pressurized. Without the proper pressure in the system, the flow that the water pump is trying to create will not exist. Also, a great way to find a leak in your system is to use a coolant pressure test kit that takes place of the radiator cap. Once pressure is added into the system, the pressure reading that is stamped onto the radiator cap. This pressure will show you if you have a leak or not, making your job that much easier to repair!
In conclusion
Thank you for reading my article! I hope you found it beneficial to diagnosing your Deville and enjoyable to read. Check out my Youtube channel for more DIY Auto Repair videos! Thank you again and I hope you enjoy my next piece!