12 Places in Virginia to Take Your Kids for Fathers Day

12 Places in Virginia to Take Your Kids for Fathers Day

I am a father of 6 children, and I would like to bond with them before they get too old and don’t care anymore. Father’s day is coming up, and I believe that this is my chance to take them somewhere. Have you ever wanted to take your children somewhere but you do not know where to go? I know I can’t be the only father that can’t think of a kid-friendly place to take my children. So to help out my fellow dads and myself as well here is a list of the top 12 places in Virginia to take your kids for Fathers Day. 

Winchester, VA 

Winchester is a favorite of mine, and it is for only selfish reasons. They make the best pie in Virginia at their farmer’s market. If you do not know where Winchester is, it is west of Washington DC and a mandatory rest stop for any of our road trips that are going anywhere within two hours of Winchester. All you do is put Virginia Farm Market LLC in your Google maps, and it will come up for you. They do have more than just pie there, and I know my children always want something when we go. Winchester is a great place to enjoy a beautiful drive through nature to arrive at. Also, a little FYI if you do choose to go here make sure you try out their Peach pie.

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Jamestown Settlement 

Jamestown is a terrific place for children to learn about our country’s history and how life was for a colonist back in Jamestown times. One of the best attractions at Jamestown is the ships.

These are the three ships Susan Constant, Godspeed, and the Discovery that sailed from England to Virginia in 1607 re-creations of course but so amazing down to the most exquisite detail.

They also have a village that is a re-creation of how life was in those times with actors bringing the town to life. This excitement can always be followed up by a walk through historic Williamsburg as well!

Annual Father’s Day Festival 

This particular festival is one that was made with fathers in mind. This is event goes from 11 am to 5 pm in Fredericksburg. This event is filled with distillery tours, tastings, and barrel regatta contest. Other activities will involve the entire family and will be a great time bonding with your children!

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Hike at First Landing Park 

If you have not been on these trails yet, you are missing out on the hidden gem of Virginia. First Landing Park is the spot where the colonists landed back in 1607 and Blackbeard himself hid. Countless trails wind through the cypress swamps where pirates and military ships found freshwater during the War of 1812. This national park has an extensive history and stunning views to take in. So make sure you take your camera with you and that you have charged up batteries.

Mt. Vernon 

Have you ever wanted to take a picture with the first president but you don’t have a time machine? Well here is your chance all you dads out there, shake the hand of George Washington and look out on the Potomac from Mt. Vernon with him, talk about a fantastic history lesson!

Annual Sully Antique car show

Do you enjoy all types of vehicles? Sully Antique car show is a must go to stop for you then! Going from 10 am to 330 pm, you will be able to see a massive array of vehicles from the original Ford to the new Corvette models. Enjoy a walk through the rows and rows of cars in historic Sully Way with your children and follow it up with some delicious ice cream.

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Hike to Bears Den Overlook

Bears Den Overlook is a fantastic hike in Bluemont, VA area to take your children on. The entire walk is less than two miles, but it has the scenic view of a lifetime, looking out onto the valley to the west, I can only imagine what the sunset would look like from the overlook. After seeing the overlook make sure to stop by the Bears Den trial center so you can explore the rest of the area.

Canoe on Burke Lake 

Located near Springfield, VA, this park has something for everyone. From a canoe adventure to riding on a miniature train around the park, this is a great family location. The lake has a 4.7-mile trail going around it which you can walk, run, or bike around it. They do have events that happen at the park throughout the entire year so if you do not get to go this time, no worries there will be another event to have an amazing time with your family.

Kayak to Fort Wool 

Also known as Rip Raps Island, this is a decommissioned fort that was a part of the harbor defenses from 1905 to 1945, oh yeah and did I say the only way to this island is by boat? I only say that because less than 50 feet away from the island shore is one of the busiest tunnel highways in the state.

Now owned by the Commonwealth, this is a priceless location to our history as a country. Built by the Corps of Engineers in 1818 and was an active base during the Civil War, World War 1, and World War 2 this is a great place to kayak out to and explore its extensive history.

Paddleboat at Sandy Bottom 

I love this park, located in Hampton, VA. Sandy Bottom has something for everyone in the family. With countless hiking trails, a beautiful lake, and a bird-watching platform, you will enjoy some great time with your children in nature. They will even let you get married in the park which my wife and I did, and we loved it! They also have a dog park as well so feel free to bring your furry family member with you. 

Cruise the Colonial Parkway 

Colonial Parkway is a breathtaking drive through the historic triangle of our colonist ancestors. See historic Williamsburg then drive down the Colonial Parkway. Honestly, my favorite time to do this is in the Autumn where you can see all of the leaves and trees changing with the season it is mesmerizing.

Nauticus Museum

Located in downtown Norfolk, Va, and home of the USS Wisconsin this living museum is a great place to take your children. Let your children step foot on a historical World War 2 battleship. New spaces to the museum are regularly added. With the USS Wisconsin being in the heart of Norfolk, there are plenty of places to grab something to eat after! 

This is a time in your child’s life that they remember for the rest of their lives. Having that chance to bond with their dad gives them memories for many years to come.

Also, if you need to ask yourself why are so many activities outside, it is because children have a lot of energy. So get out there you old guy and enjoy this time you have before your children get too old to care!

I hope you enjoyed my article! I know I had a great time writing it and sharing some ideas with my fellow dads out there. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for DIY Auto Repair how-to video guides. Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy my next piece!
