Did you know that the average driver in the United States spends an average of 12 days in their car?! That is on an annual basis, so to Americans, their vehicle is their second home. With it being your second home, you want two things most of all.
You want your second home never to have anything break, and you want it to be clean so you can enjoy it. Well, I have other blogs that speak of how to keep your vehicle running properly and how to repair anything that breaks on your car. But this blog is about how to do a proper car cleaning to your vehicle.
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Now I am not talking about how to start your own Auto detailing company or shop. I am talking about what you need to look for when cleaning your car. I know what you are thinking, well I look for dirt, and that is that. But when it comes down to cleaning your car, you think of just keeping it clean but washing your car can do so much more than that as shown in this article written by Farmers Insurance.

So what I do when I am doing a little auto detailing to my vehicle is I break the car down into sections. You have your engine, body, wheels, windows, and interior. With doing this, I can make even the smallest of tasks a point to hit, and each section is also an accomplishment.
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Like anyone else, I love cleaning my vehicle, but at the same time, I hate it as well. I have to go out of my way to go to the car wash because I do not have a high enough pressure washer at my house yet. I want to get all this dirt and to do that I need a high-pressure washer.
Looking for that great gift to yourself or to an Automotive enthusiast you know? Check out the cleaning kit I put in the Tool Catalog for you!
Now, of course, my wife being the awesome woman she is, she found a nice 135 psi air compressor that will power this washer I want, but that is for a separate blog. With going to the car wash, you then have to clean your vehicle by a bunch of other people and pray to God that you do not get a door ding on your ride. But let’s focus on the advantages of cleaning your car.
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So with the first section, this is one of the most important parts because without this, you only have a frame, and I am speaking about the engine. With this section, you need to look for leaks while tying or taping together any wire loom that has become loose. While looking for leaks, you are also hitting up the lube points if you have them, which lube points are becoming a thing of the past, as shown in this article by Driving. I always run my finger over the washers of any bolts that have them. If the washer moves in any way, you need to retorque those bolts.
At the same time, I am also looking for wet dirt around anything. Oil or any liquids that is hard to spot if it is just a drop, but when these products show they become dust and dirt magnets. So look for the wet dirt, and if you see a drop forming or an actual drop, then you have a leak. If you do not know which part of the engine or part of the vehicle you are looking at, then pull up a diagram so you can have a better idea of the part you require to order for replacement. Always remember that a clean engine is a better running engine because you can track any problems before they become big problems.
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The second section is the body of your vehicle. This is the part of the car that keeps us in our sweet haven away from the elements. By cleaning your car, you are lengthening the lifespan of your vehicle’s paint, as shown in this article by Esurance. With that proper car cleaning your paint will now last longer. The body beneath the paint is protected as well against any rust and deterioration.
The third section is what some people spend more money on than they did the car, and that is the wheels. Now don’t get me wrong I have had several vehicles over the years that I have spent more money on the wheels then I did the vehicle. But if you do that, you need to make sure you are keeping up to date on the vehicle’s maintenance as well because, without that vehicle, you only have a set of wheels that look nice.

With your wheels you need to torque the wheels to the required foot-pound set by the manufacturer, you need to check the air in your tires, and check for any damage or excessive wear to the tire and rim. With us doing this, it keeps our vehicle driving, which helps us with our daily routine. I always use an excellent tire shine on my tires, which not only keeps them looking nice but cleans all that dirt and grime off of the tires as well.
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The fourth thing is windows; you think this piece of glass is just there so we can see and thinking this you are entirely correct! This piece of glass has the most critical job, and that is to keep us safe where we can see our surroundings. You need to always keep your windows clean not only for you but for the drivers around you as well. Always pick the streak-free window washer fluid, this will prevent any distractions.
Trying to remember if you have all the cleaning supplies you need? Check out this cleaning kit in my Tool Catalog that I found on Amazon, you know you deserve it!

Last but never least we have the interior; this is what you have to put up with every day you drive to work, home, where ever. I always use an excellent strong vacuum at the car wash, but shop vac’s and some home vacuums will work as well.
You want to go against, and with the grain which vacuuming out the vehicle. This will get all of that dirt that was hiding in the strands of the carpet. Do not forget to wipe off the dash and put a protectant on it to protect it against any Ultraviolet rays that can reduce the dash’s lifespan as well. I always use ArmorAll with their cleaning and protectant wipes, but there are a few other companies that have a great product as well.
By doing this car cleaning, you will look like you do own an Auto detailing company. By keeping your vehicle clean, you will be increasing the value of your vehicle and keep you safe on your everyday routine.
Remember to keep your car clean and alert at all times while behind the wheel, you are not only keeping yourself safe, but all other drivers on the road as well.
I hope you enjoyed this blog and if you are looking for a place to find repairs and how-to guides to work on your vehicle then you are in the right place! Check out my Youtube channel and subscribe for more DIY auto repair and flipping cars for profit!
Thank you for all of the support everyone, and I hope you enjoyed the article!